Lychee Wood Bangle

Lychee Wood Bangle


Lychee Wood Bangle with Yellow Opal Crystal Inlay

šŸŖµ Lychee Wood connects us with the enchantment of magic & of childhood possibility. Amplifies prayers, to bless & consecrate, & aids in Spiritual visions. Helps the body & mind in times of anxiety & stress. Its Energy works as a Spiritual Guide, helping you finds your purpose in life & stay on your Sacred path. Promotes love, fertility, enchantment, forgiveness, reconciliation, protection & peace. Restores health. Cleanses & clears Energy & is a high vibrational support in Ritual Magick. Aids meditation. Steers strayed individuals back onto their rightful path. Promotes Spiritual dedication, focus, presence, mental clarity, and stillness of thoughts. Fortifies personal strength & stability in times of challenge or struggle. Helps transform difficult situations into experiences where wisdom, strength, & willpower can be cultivated

šŸ’› Yellow Opal resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra to help you step into your power & your purpose. Increases confidence & will power. Uplifting & revitalising. Reinforces positive emotions & brings emotional stability. Removes blockages, particularly ones that are self imposed & limit personal growth. Enhances psychic visions & abilities. Beams out positive thoughts, promoting cheerful, relaxed energy & optimism. Aids inventiveness, focus, creativity & self expression. Helps you let go of inhibitions, promotes freedom, independence & enhances your imagination. Enhances dreamwork & assists you on your spiritual journeys. Soothing & calming to the Throat Chakra & encourages telepathic interaction. A stone of karma showing that what we give out we get in return. Eliminates bad luck & increases good luck. Works as a powerful shield against potential dangers & disasters. Aligns your mind, spirit & body

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