Kukui Nut Shell Necklace

Kukui Nut Shell Necklace


Locally-Sourced Hawaiian Kukui Nut Shell necklace with Blue Apatite & Blue Goldstone Crystal Inlay.

šŸŒŠ The Kukui Nut tree was brought to the Hawaiian Islands by the early Polynesians migrating to Hawaii. It's Ancient Energy flows through Hawaiian culture & ceremonies past & present. It's currently the Hawaii state tree & holds powerful & Sacred Hawaiian Energy. Promotes enlightenment, protection, light, hope, renewal, guidance & peace & your Spirit revealing itself

šŸ’Ž Blue Apatite is the Stone of Manifestation. Draws off negativity about yourself & others. Encourages liveliness, motivation & drive. Helps exhaustion, reduces irritability & aggression. Balances extreme alternating states of excessive activity & lack of drive. ā€‹Releases the idea that you deserve to suffer. Helps you let go of pain, allowing you to embrace peace and joy. Eases difficult relationships at work or home, helping you to communicate your feelings clearly without becoming over emotional, however justifiable. Counters stress overload that can lead to burnout. Works with the Throat & Third Eye Chakras

šŸ¦‹ Blue Goldstone is associated with the night's sky & teaches us that Light will always be found in the darkness. Its sparkles comes from flecks of the Healing mineral Copper. Teaches you to never stop reaching for the stars while uplifting your confidence to achieve what you deserve. Stone of ambition, ingenuity & drive. Assists in attaining goals. Reduces tension & encourages a positive attitude. Connects you to Source & promotes wisdom, energy & courage. Assists learning & communication. Teaches you that everything is Energy & Vibration. Great deflector of unwanted energy returning it to its source. Provides composure & stabilizes emotions

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