

Walnut shows us how to use our mental gifts & intelligence wisely. Radiates the power of Jupiter all over your home, bringing new opportunities, fertility & wealth. Promotes clarity, healthy change, protection, wisdom, inspiration & confidence. Reminds us in times of adversity we must discern between the forces that will help us & those that will hurt us. Helps us focus on emotional & spiritual development versus power or financial gain. Improves our self worth & faith in ourselves. Masculine Energy is associated with the element of Fire & is called the Tree of the Sun

Exotic Teak

Exotic Teak is purifying & highly protective. Has a Feminine Energy & works with the Element of Water. Evokes the cleansing Energy of the Sea. Resistant to unwanted energies & promotes spiritual & physical healing. It seeks a creative companion & one in touch with nature

Exotic West African Wenge

Exotic West African Wenge Wood gives off a very relaxed energy, encouraging slow, even & centered thought - perfect for meditation, especially for those who have trouble slowing their thoughts. Aids physical & emotional healing. Balances your mood. Calms the temper & encourages learning. Increases focus, wisdom, protection & blocks unwanted energy. It's most compatible with an owner who is in touch with nature. Excellent for dispelling dark magic. A Feminine Wood associated with the Planets Saturn & Venus. It's associated with the Elements Air & Earth

Purple Heart

Purple Heart is a Spiritual, Feminine wood found in Central & South America. Enhances Energy, creativity & knowledge. Promotes calm, inner peace, contentment & pleasant thoughts. One of the best woods for Spiritual & physical Healing. Works well with those who are compassionate, driven, cunning, creative, generous, quiet & strong willed. Associated with the planets Venus & Mercury. Associated with the Elements Spirit & Air. Excellent for Divination Magic. Eradicates negative energies that create tension & strife in your home


Chinaberry promotes hope, strength & knowledge. Lucky & protective. Secures & guards you against negative energy. Brings security & happiness. Confirms that everything will work out well for you in this life & you have someone watching over your every step. Helps you to face all of life's challenges with confidence & to never allow your challenges to take ahold of your life. Aids fulfillment of all your desires. Helps you understand the power that you have within & be ready & willing to harness that power


Bamboo Wood is a good luck charm. It has an Energy Field that is so potent it can be picked up by people nearby. Clears negative Energy from you & clears Energy Channels. Promotes love, self worth, self esteem & brightens your mood. Increases strength, stamina & vitality. Increases mental abilities, focus & alertness. Promotes consistency, integrity, flexibility, fidelity, purity, gentleness & modesty. Inspires emotional Healing & Spiritual Awakening. Helps you feel invigorated & refreshed. Promotes abundance, divination, friendship, longevity, protection & resilience


Lychee Wood connects us with the enchantment of magic & childhood possibility. Amplifies prayers & aids in Spiritual visions. Helps the body & mind in times of anxiety & stress. Works as a Spiritual Guide, helping you finds your purpose & stay on your Sacred path. Promotes love, fertility, forgiveness, reconciliation, protection & peace. Restores health. Cleanses & clears Energy. High vibrational support in Ritual Magick. Aids meditation. Steers you back onto your rightful soul path. Promotes Spiritual dedication, focus, presence, mental clarity & stillness of thoughts. Fortifies personal strength & stability in times of challenge or struggle


Koa is a Sacred Hawaiian Wood. Promotes integrity, strength, courage, perseverance, bravery & protection. The word Koa means Warrior. Associated with the Element of Fire & has both masculine & feminine Energies. The masculine aspects are duality & balance, just like the tides. Its Energy is deeply connected to the Ocean. The feminine Energy brings creativity, beauty & wisdom


Mango encourages us to remember & honor the happy moments of our childhood & in our life as a way to rejuvenate the soul. It signals a period of returning to our past to reconnect with friends, family & places. Its vibration brings awareness, love, happiness & possesses magical powers to grant wishes. Helps us focus on happy times versus hard times, as we consciously shift our perceptions. Helps us to establish our roots & create a strong community for a healthier & happier life

Exotic African Padauk

Exotic African Padauk is a potent Healing wood. It works great with those who are assertive, strong-willed, stubborn or duel-natured. But don't worry, you don't have to possess any of these qualities to work with it! It has powerful magical powers if you work with magic. It symbolizes power, vitality & strength. Its Associated with the planet Mars. It has a Masculine Energy & associated with the element of Fire

Hawaiian Eucalyptus

Hawaiian Eucalyptus Wood is protective, calming & purifying. It draws off negative energy of all kinds & brings in joy. It helps you overcome any blockages in your life & clear any blockages in your Energy Field. It helps you to reconcile difficulties in your relationships with others. It cleanses & clears you, your space & your environment. It removes negative influences from your immediate surroundings.

Hawaiian Eucalyptus brings in Fresh Energy to any situation. It heals regrets & worries & relieves mental exhaustion. It brings balance & relief from physical or emotional concerns. It's invigorating, stimulating & grounding. It holds the Vibration of the magic of Nature. It connects us with the Enchantment of childhood possibility. It offers vibrational support in Ritual Magick.

It works with the elements of Air & Water & with the planets Mercury & Venus.

West African Ebony

West African Ebony Wood is powerful & empowering. Dissolves outdated thoughts that no longer serve you. Aids in times of transformation & change. Offers clarity, purity, balance, good luck & protection. Enhances Positive Energy, Intuition & Spiritual Insight. Reminds us to be current & clear-headed so we can make wise & informed decisions. Aids us to seek new ways to create beauty & harmony that are sustainable for the long-term. Believed to be the most powerful of all magical woods. Channels all types of Energy & works with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Hawaiian Sapodilla

Hawaiian Sapodilla wood is a symbol of immortality & eternity that embodies the eternal life of our soul. Promotes new beginnings, growth, grounding & healing. Stimulates intuition, psychic abilities & channeling. Connects with the energy of nature & forest spirits. Fosters clear communication & supports creative expression. Purifying, protective & banishes negative energy Promotes enlightenment & elevates us to the highest levels of Consciousness.

Monkey Pod

Monkey Pod or Rain Tree, promotes wisdom, grounding, centering, truth & enhances your manifestation practice. It helps us unite with the Divine (Source/God) so that you can clearly know your purpose & Soul Mission here in this lifetime. Symbolizes life & the search we all execute – a search & yearning for knowledge & meaning in our lives


Ironwood is exceptionally powerful & has a profound positive energy - the power & strength of goodness. Strong connections with the Sun, Jupiter & Luck. Excellent tool for divining information from far away as well as close to home. Promotes a steady & sturdy foundation for personal & spiritual growth & development. Promotes balance, grounding, discipline, order & admiration. Represents the end of strife & the beginning of a new, positive cycle. It's known for helping to preserve health, making it great for healing both the physical & spiritual bodies


Maple wood is a peaceful wood used for purity, healing & cleansing. Holds the wisdom of balance, promise, love, longevity, money, practicality, success, abundance & generosity. A traveller’s wood. Enhances intellectual pursuits, acquiring knowledge & communication. Reveals the options before you - even those that are hidden in plain sight & enables you to make sound choices. Has both feminine & masculine Energy. It's associated with the elements of Spirit & Water & the Planetary associations of the Moon & Jupiter. Some cultures primarily use Maple wands for Spiritual Healing.

Kukui Nut

The Kukui Nut tree was brought to the Hawaiian Islands by the early Polynesians migrating to Hawaii. It's Ancient Energy flows through Hawaiian culture & ceremonies past & present. It's currently the Hawaii state tree & holds powerful & Sacred Hawaiian Energy. Promotes enlightenment, protection, light, hope, renewal, guidance & peace & your Spirit revealing itself

Fijian Mahogany

Amethyst is powerful & protective. Relieves stress & strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear & anxiety. Alleviates sadness, grief & dissolves negativity. Feel comforted, calmed, collected, grounded & soothed in a uplifting way. Centers emotions. Unveils your deepest inspiration. Aids family & relationship dynamics. Supports a level head & comes from a place of love. Encourages sobriety & overindulgence. Calms & stimulates the mind. Promotes focus, enhances memory & improves motivation. Assists in remembering & understanding dreams. Relieves insomnia.

Protects against black magic, emotional manipulation & psychic attack, all types of harm, including geopathic, electromagnetic stress & ill wishes from others. Bridges the gap between the physical & the spiritual realms. Activates Spiritual Awareness, enhances Intuition & psychic abilities. Strong healing & cleansing powers. Works with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras.

Boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system & metabolism. Strengthens the immune system, reduces pain & strengthens the body to fight cancer. Destroys malignant tumours & aids in tissue regeneration. 


Known as the Fairy crystal, Fuchsite stands out with its green & gold sparkly flecks that resemble Fairy Dust. Associated with Fairies from the Spirit Realm that serve as guides on your Spiritual Journey. It's also deeply connected to the Heavens. Transforms negative thoughts into positive. Stimulates creativity & inspiration. Powerful protection stone. Reduces the tendency you may have to self-neglect. Encourages you to use your mental gifts while letting your heart guide you. Helps you become more aware of your heart's needs. Powerful Heart Chakra stone. Promotes peace & relaxation. Reminds you that every moment of your life is an opportunity to choose happiness & raise your vibration.

In meditation, it expands your awareness of the Earth's Healing Energy & connects your spirit with the Earth's vibrations. Magnifies your intentions when manifesting & deepens your focus on what really matters. Teaches true self worth & acceptance. Helps you overcome codependency & aids in a speedy recovery from emotional, psychological & physical trauma.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli The Wisdom Stone iscomprised of Lazurite, Calcite, Sodalite & Pyrite. Reveals your deep inner truths, inviting you into your authenticity & showing you the magic of your own will. Helps you step into your power & live your very best life. Gets you into full alignment with your true authentic soul. Brings out "forgotten" self-knowledge that leads to true authenticity & personal freedom. Reminds you of your worth. Great if you struggle to put yourself out there or if your confidence has been cut. Helps us to stand true & strong in our own Light


Malachite is a strong protection stone. Absorbs negative energy & pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere & your body. Breaks unwanted ties, outworn patterns & teaches how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts & feelings. Keeps you centered, calm & able to approach emotional decisions with ease. Helps diminish fears, not just in an emotional way but also in helping the body deal with resistance to change. Stone of Transformation. Aids phobias. Grants courage, wisdom & the ability to spot & say no to emotional blackmail. Grants inner strength, confidence & growth


Selenite has an extremely high vibration that floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light. Uplifts your spirit & guides you to an elevated state of being. Provides clarity of the mind, expanding your self awareness & surroundings. Opens the crown & higher crown chakras & accesses angelic consciousness & higher guidance. Opens channels into other worlds. Access past & future lives. Calming, instils deep peace & is excellent for meditation & spiritual work. Clears confusion & aids in seeing the deeper picture. Referred to as "liquid light". Cleanses you & other crystals & is named after the ancient Greek moon goddess Selene. Associated with lunar cycles & the divine feminine

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite is the Stone of Manifestation. Draws off negativity about yourself & others. Encourages liveliness, motivation & drive. Helps exhaustion, reduces irritability & aggression. Balances extreme alternating states of excessive activity & lack of drive. ​Releases the idea that you deserve to suffer. Helps you let go of pain, allowing you to embrace peace and joy. Eases difficult relationships at work or home- helps you to communicate your feelings clearly without becoming over emotional, however justifiable. Counters stress overload that can lead to burnout. Works with the Throat & Third Eye Chakras


Lepidolite is the "Peace Stone" or "Grandmother Stone" due to its nurturing & calming vibration. Dissipates negativity. Protects you from outer influences. Brings inner peace. Helps treat addictions, anorexia & bipolar disorder - its mind-balancing. Alleviates stress & nervous conditions. Soothes personality disorders & psychological illnesses. Halts obsessive thoughts, relieves despondency & overcomes insomnia. Helps overcome emotional & mental dependency & overcome emotions that restrict you from doing what you really want in life. Calms & releases fears, heals from psychic attacks & protects against psychic draining. Excellent for those with depression or anxiety.

Helps you concentrate on what is essential so that you will stick to your intentions & not be distracted. Helps you stop living in the past. ​Releases & reorganises old psychological behavioural patterns that will begin changes in your life. Encourages independence & achieving goals without outside help. Encourages a healthy, detached outlook. Aids when you feel mentally unstable or vulnerable.

Yellow Opal

Yellow Opal resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra to help you step into your power & your purpose. Increases confidence & will power. Uplifting & revitalising. Reinforces positive emotions & brings emotional stability. Removes blockages, particularly ones that are self imposed & limit personal growth. Enhances psychic visions & abilities. Beams out positive thoughts, promoting cheerful, relaxed energy & optimism. Aids inventiveness, focus, creativity & self expression. Helps you let go of inhibitions, promotes freedom, independence & enhances your imagination. Enhances dreamwork & assists you on your spiritual journeys. Soothing & calming to the Throat Chakra & encourages telepathic interaction. A stone of karma showing that what we give out we get in return. Eliminates bad luck & increases good luck. Works as a powerful shield against potential dangers & disasters. Aligns your mind, spirit & body.

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl is a protection stone that brings the gentle Healing power of the Sea. Stress relieving, relaxing, soothing & calming to our emotions, temper & our fears. Stimulates intuition, imagination, sensitivity & adaptability. Helps our emotions become more harmonious & balanced. Enables you to more easily express feelings of love. Aids clarity in decision making & endurance, organisation & home life. Works with the Solar Plexus & Throat Chakras. Attracts prosperity. Offers motherly protection from negative energy. Excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships- enhances & supports communication, cooperation, commitment & compromise, which in turn lead to harmony & balance. It helps us understand both sides of issues by encouraging us to take a moment to stand in the other person’s shoes. Perfect for those who have survived traumatic experiences & emotional turmoil. Let's you know you're only more beautiful for your struggles. Increases confidence & purity. Expands consciousness. Helps you embrace your True Authentic Self. Clears away self-doubt, fear or other toxic emotions


Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields & protects against all forms of negative vibrations, energy & environmental pollutants. The ancient Incas used it for meditation & divination. Assists in seeing behind facades to understand what lies beneath words & actions. Inspires universal energies to activate the energies of the body. Encourages the ideal of health, physical & emotional well-being. Allows you to recognise the purity of the universe. Helps to release negative & inhibiting patterns & behavior. Enhances your will during challenging times & supports the action necessary for personal growth & success. Stimulates intellect & enhances memory. Masculine in nature, a stone of action, vitality & will. Taps into your abilities & potential. Stimulates the flow of ideas. Brings confidence & the persistence to carry things through to completion. Considered to be a lucky stone, attracting wealth & abundance. Resonates with Fire energy, symbolizing warmth & lasting presence of the sun. Draws healing energies from the Earth.

Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is known as the Speaker’s Stone, the stone of one who must measure his words. It encourages reflection and meditation, its gentle radiance preparing us for action but helping to hold back words we might regret. The great Roman orator, Cicero, is said to have worn one around his neck. Considered a nurturing stone, blue Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and dissipates it before it can be passed on. It promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity.

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone is associated with the night's sky & teaches us that Light will always be found in the darkness. Its sparkles comes from flecks of the Healing mineral Copper. Teaches you to never stop reaching for the stars while uplifting your confidence to achieve what you deserve. Stone of ambition, ingenuity & drive. Assists in attaining goals. Reduces tension & encourages a positive attitude. Connects you to Source & promotes wisdom, energy & courage. Assists learning & communication. Teaches you that everything is Energy & Vibration. Great deflector of unwanted energy returning it t


Wulfenite reduces uncontrolled highs & lows & balances emotions. Brings passion into your life & assist in healing relationships. Works with the Solar Plexus & Sacral Chakras. Clears embedded emotional blockages. Encourages you to express your true feelings. Held you accept the less positive aspects of life & prevents despondency & inertia when you are faced with negative situations or feelings. Helps you come to terms with your negative emotions to heal. Dispels hesitancy & fear


Vanadinite helps you accept your own physicality. Loving & encouraging. Motivates you on your journey to success, abundance & happiness. Boosts Energy & lifts your spirit. Supports your efforts to turn your dreams to reality. Helps you remain strong, open & vibrant. Simulates creative energies. Keeps you to conserve your Energy & not squander it on worthless pursuits. Helps you define your goals & stick to them, despite the distractions & challenges on your path. Promotes order in your life. Helps you to believe in yourself when nobody else does

Yellow Tigers Eye

Tiger Eye is a stone of protection, grounding & centering. Stabilizes mood swings, grants willpower, purpose, courage, self-confidence & releases tension when working through lifestyle changes & health improvement routines. Increases energy. Reduces cravings for the wrong kind of foods & helps decrease the need for binges, cigarettes, prescription drugs & alcohol. Reduces anxiety caused by feelings of isolation & inadequacy. Helps overcome discouragement to persevere through the long haul

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is Hugely powerful, protective & grounding. Soaks up all negative energy. Its like carrying a shield that prevents unwanted energy from entering your home, mind, body & spirit. Stabilizing & helps you to feel safe as you move throughout the world. If you tend to lose your head or feel like the world is falling in on you, it helps you stay calm & collected. Dispels dark feelings & clears toxic energies. Imperative for sensitive souls. Releases old habits that aren’t serving you & transforms that energy into positive. Helps you to consistently be on your best game & achieve all that you can


Malacholla is a powerful combination of the Crystals Malachite & Chrysocolla. Brings deep soul healing & emotional balancing. Malachite encourages transformation & shows us what is blocking our growth. Chrysocolla brings a soft healing energy that enables us to accept this change. Stabilizes & soothes emotions. Increases our capacity to love. Encourages breaking unwanted patterns, release toxic emotions & encourages free expression of our feelings. Grants acceptance, empowerment & heals emotional scars. Dispels guilt, anxiety, & depression. Promotes serenity & gentle flow. Absorbs negative energy & pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere & your body. Keeps you centered, calm & able to approach emotional decisions with ease. Helps diminish fears, not just in an emotional way but also helping the body deal with resistance to change

Invites you to tune into your Higher Self & gives you the tools you need to become your own greatest teacher. Embodies the Divine Feminine. Removes Energy blocks so that beauty can flow. Works with all the Chakras, strengthening your Solar Plexus & Throat. Taps into your Third Eye Chakra


Labradorite the Stone of Magic. Enhances mental & intuitive abilities. Assists in communication with higher guides & spirits to access Akashic Records, psychic readings & past-life recall. Provides safe exploration into different dimensions & levels of consciousness. Promotes visionary experiences from the past or the future. Enables you to move between worlds & have a safe & grounded return to the present. Matriarch of the subconscious mind


A very Rare Beauty found only in one remote area of the Dominican Republic. It's said that this stone was used by the Ancient Civilization of Atlantis. The Atlantians were actually Light Beings called the Arcturians & they're from the Star System Arcturia. Larimar's recent surge in popularity happened only about 50 years ago & coincided with the emergence of Esoteric knowledge about Atlantis. This stone accesses the lost knowledge of this Ancient civilization. It's called Dolphin's Stone because Dolphins were associated with Atlantis & Larimar was used as a tool to enhance communication with them. This stone often exhibits patterns with Dolphins, Angels & Greek Columns & other easily recognized images

Heals the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies. A Water Energy stone that facilitates love, relaxation, harmony, tranquillity, inner wisdom, outer manifestation, peace clarity, self expression, patience, acceptance, simplicity, artwork & creativity. Dispels stress, strain, tension, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances & anger. Great for Singers- enhances & protects the voice. Helps you release anything that is no longer serving you. Breaks down walls we've built around our heart in defense. Opens the heart by allowing us to express unconditional love. Removes self-imposed blockages & constraints. Assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behavior, guilt & fear. Promotes emotional release & clears deep emotional patterns. Helps you reconnect to your natural state of playfulness & joyful, childlike Energy

Helps us view events from a more enlightened perspective. Provides the power of clear communication, emotional strength & stability to speak from the heart & speak your truth. Promotes confidence & self healing. A Earth Healing Stone. Connects us with nature & counteract inbalances in the Earth's Energy Field. In meditation it quickly & effortlessly calms the mind. Raises consciousness & facilitates contact & communication with the Angelic Realms. Balances yin-yang energies- unifying our male & female qualities


Abalone has Divine Energy that replenishes our soul & enhances feelings of peace, compassion & love. It has a lovely warm, gentle vibration. Its great in times of tough emotional issues, soothes the nerves & encourages a calm demeanour. Provides protection & shielding that blesses the person holding it with tranquility. Represents the Healing Element of water. Excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships- enhances & supports communication, cooperation, commitment & compromise, which lead to harmony & balance


Amazonite heals the emotional body. Soothes trauma & calms the mind, alleviates worry & fear & directs anger, rage & irritability into positive action. Regulates the aggressive aspects of your personality & urges the mind to seek emotional stability. Increases self-esteem & reduces self-neglect. Empowers you to set boundaries & apply more self-discipline to establish healthy relationships. A stone of prosperity


Turquoise is one of the oldest Healing Stones in history. For centuries it has served as a Healing tool for whole civilizations. It was one of the first gemstones to ever be mined & dates back to 6000 BC in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. A purification stone that promotes deep serenity & peace. A soft & gentle truth seeker. Invites you to look within & plunge beneath the surface to figure out what is working for you & what isn’t. Promotes courage, strength & calmness of mind. Heals old wounds from your past so you can move forward. A communication stone, both with others & with ourselves. Dispels negative Energy & can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere

Muscovite Mica

Muscovite Mica promotes self observation & self reflection. Protective. Helps you recognize flaws without self-condemnation so you're able to effectively address negative personality traits. Helps you honor your feelings & sort out your thoughts/emotions to enable to express your truth. Encourages unconditional love & helps you accept other peoples imperfections. Stimulates confidence & eases tension. Helps you to live in the moment. Assists those who are rapidly opening to Spirit/the Universe who experience difficult psychic symptoms from awakening. Encourages you to give more time to your spiritual side. Connects you with your Higher Self


Azurite clears away stress, worry, grief & sadness. Allows you to show your emotions in a new light. Transmutes fears & phobias & brings an understanding as to why they occurred in the first place. Helps you understand the reason for your fears. Gives you courage to correct these patterns of behaviour so that you are able to be more clear & truthful to yourself & others. Breaks chronic worrying. Helps you overcome long standing problems & break down communication blocks


Peridot holds the Energy of an abundance of life, wealth, health, happiness & love. Associated with the Sun- Ancients believed (with accuracy), it was ejected to Earth by a Sun’s explosion & carries its Healing power. Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, bitterness, irritation, hatred & greed. Reduces stress, anxiety, anger & guilt. Opens our hearts to joy & new relationships. Enhances confidence, assertion, drive, concentration, motivation, growth & change. Sharpens & opens the mind to new levels of awareness. Banishes lethargy, apathy & exhaustion. Enables you to take responsibility for your life. Releases tension & stress. Cleanses & purifies the heart, body, mind & spirit. Its vibration covers your home & Energy Field from negative Energy - Protective. Brings a sense of security, peace of mind & serenity. Aids any kind of mental distress. Elevates your level of perception to calm worries, blame, regret & karma. Allows you to embrace a positive outlook in life. Helps you let go of the past & heal

Enriches the relationship you have with the people around you. Thickens the bond, especially with your relatives

Helps you connect to higher dimensions & higher beings. Works with the Heart & Solar Plexus Chakras. Helps you recognize & realize your destiny & Spiritual purpose

Powerful cleanser- releases & neutralises toxins on all levels. Strengthens the immune system & metabolism. Aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen & intestinal tract. Treats ulcers & strengthens eyes. Balances bipolar disorders

Rare Vivianite

Rare Vivianite from the Amazon Rain Forest helps you see the positive in every situation, promotes a positive attitude & optimism. A stone of peace, love, compassion, caring & spiritual illumination. Transformative for those who don't feel at ease in your own body. Helps you overcome your nerves & anxiety regarding other peoples opinions of you as a person. Encourages you to continue to live a fulfilling & happy life regardless of what anyone says


Moldavite is a Tektite that was formed from the heat of an asteroid impact around 15 million years ago. Found primarily in the Czech Republic. Called the "Holy Grail Stone” & the "Stone of Transformation" it has a very high vibration & intense frequency- many people feel an intense heat when they wear or hold this Crystal. Some experience dizziness, lightheadedness & feeling odd or different. It can be a little overwhelming so take it off or out of your pocket periodically. Always have a grounding stone nearby when you first start working with it to help avoid it being too strong. Over time, the strength will be less overwhelming as you get used to its Energy

Many believe this Tektite came to Earth to help the planet raise its vibration- used in Healing rituals of the Earth Chakra. Magnifies the Energy of other Crystals. Raises self-awareness & helps you uncover emotions & feelings that keep you stuck. Helps you move forward in life. Metaphysically it helps you surpass time- great for past life work & exploring the path your Soul is taking in any direction of time. Removes stuck Energy & clears your Aura. Works with the Crown, Third Eye & Heart Chakra


Carborundum is known as a Master Healer that shines light in all areas of your life. Composed of carbon & silicon atoms that are very rare on Earth but abundant in space & meteorites. A common form of stardust found around carbon-rich stars. Stone for dreamers & those who look to the stars & astrology for answers. Ignites magical energy around you & encourages creative energy, expression & self-awareness. Quickly disperses negative energy from around you & helps you practice discernment. Energetically purifies the mind, body & spirit while encouraging intuition & discernment. Enhances communication, mental agility, focus & transmits thought

Angel Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz is coated with the metals Platinum, Gold & Silver which enhance the power of this crystal. Extremely high vibrational Master Healer that provides enough energy to fill environments with endless rays of uplifting joy & happiness. Provides a protective shield around your aura & grants inner peace, mental clarity, highented intellect & serenity.

Fibrous Velvet Malachite

Fibrous Velvet Malachite is a strong protection stone. Absorbs negative energy & pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere & from your body. Breaks unwanted ties, outworn patterns & teaches how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts & feelings. Keeps you centered, calm & able to approach emotional decisions with ease. Helps diminish fears, not just in an emotional way but also in helping the body deal with resistance to change. Stone of Transformation. Helps phobias


Since ancient times, Jasper has been valued and utilized for its strong healing and grounding powers. Almost every ancient civilization harnessed and utilized the jasper healing properties in some way. Worn by shamans, priests and kings, this healing gemstone was considered sacred and a powerful protection aid. Jasper is the nurturer, the healer and the spirit stone of courage and wisdom. It carries a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making the jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability and strength.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian stimulates growth on all levels & helps you know who you truly are. Dissolves emotional blocks & ancient traumas. Encourages personal power that comes from confronting your fears. Stabilizing, centering, protective & grounding. Breaks negative attachments we have with toxic or unhealthy people that we need to release from our lives. Works with the Root Chakra

Smoky Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rainbow Flourite
Petrified Wood
Red Calcite
Aura Tangerine Quartz
Almandine Garnet
Green Aventurine
Yellow Amethyst
Rainbow Tourmaline
Spessartite Garnet
Clear Quartz
Elestial Quartz
Dog Tooth Calcite
Bird of Paradise